Розробки уроків

Урок  у 7 класі по темі "Здоров`я"
Практична:   повторити та закріпити лексику теми “Здоровя”, активізуючи її в мовленні учнів.
Навчальна:  формувати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення в парній, груповій та індивідуальній роботі учнів. Навчити аудіюванню.
Розвиваюча:  розвивати вміння учнів творчо використовувати засвоєний матеріал в нових ситуаціях спілкування.
Виховна:  виховувати позитивне та дбайливе ставлення до життя та до свого здоров'я.

Наочність та обладнання:
Підручникробочий зошит
Картки для індивідуальної роботи
Використання комп'ютера
Записи на дошці
Хід уроку
І . Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного  матеріалу

Початок уроку
    1.Привітання і повідомлення теми і мети уроку
Good morning, pupils! Glad to see you!
Thousands years ago ancient Greeks said: “ The first wealth is Health. Health is the best Wealth”. These quotation will be the redline of today's lesson. The problem question of our lesson is “What  is more important to you to be healthy or to be wealthy?”
2. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу
Мовленнєва зарядка
T. Do you knT. I am sure from these proverb you can guess that topic of our lesson is “Health is the Best  Wealth”
Today we are going to speak about  healthy way of  living  and answer the question: “What should we do to be healthy?” But  first, we should remind words on this topic.
Look at the Vocabulary Box, read the words and translate into Ukrainian.
( vocabulary work)
ІІ. Основна частина уроку
1. Робота з малюнками
 T. Do you remember the names of  the illnesses? Let’s check it up. Учитель показує малюнки  із зображенням хвороб, учні  називають їх.)
2. Робота з картками
T. Now let’s see if you can use these words correctly . Complete the sentences, using the following words:
             headache, toothache, sore throat, pain in knee.
1. Sue ate much ice-cream and now she had got a …..
2. Peter fell down and now he had got a ….
3. I play computer games for hours, that’s why I often have got a bad …
4. You eat a lot of sweets a day, that’s why you have got a ….
3. Active relaxation
Діти виконують  вправи під музику)
4. Association Bush. Make  the Mind – Map “ A Healthy  Person”

( Учні складають асоціативний кущ)

5.  Work in pairs.  Listening.
Listen to the text and find out the rules of healthy lifestyle.
Be healthy
Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy , wealthy and wise. This is an old English saying.. It means that  we must go to bed early and get up early in the morning. Then we shall be healthy. The body must have enough sleep to be healthy. But you don’t have to sleep too long. It’s not useful.
         The human body also needs  exercise. Walking, running, jumping, swimming, playing games, are all exercise. It keeps the body strong. Go in for sport!
         Our bodies need air  to breathe. Go out for a walking! You  should play  outdoors games, And never  smoke!
         There is something that  our bodies must  not have. We don’t  want  illness. One cause of illness is  dirt. So  we must keep our bodies clean. If you  don’t want to have a toothache, you shouldn’t  eat  a lot of  sweets . Keep your teeth clean.
          You don’t have  to watch TV or  play  computer games for a long time.
          We must also keep our homes and our  streets clean. So  tidy up your  flats  and  houses. Don’t drop the litter in the streets.

Т.:-What should you do to be healthy?
6. Work in pairs. 
I – We should …
II – We  shouldn’t …
Р.1-You have to organize you daily routines.
I pair  We should   do your morning exercises every day or go      in for sports.
 Р.3- We should   keep clean yourself, brush your teeth every day.
Р.4- We should  eat healthy food regularly.
Р.5- We should  visit a doctor if you need.
Р.5- We should go out for a walk.
Р.5- We should play outdoor s games.
Р.5- We should  keep your homes  and streets clean.

II pair.  We shouldn’t  sleep  too long.
We shouldn’t  smoke.
We shouldn’t  eat a lot of sweets
We shouldn’t  watch TV for a long time.
We shouldn’t  play computer games for a long time.
We shouldn’t  drop the litter in the street.

Ask such questions:
- Is it difficult or easy for you to get up early?
-Do you skip breakfast?
-Do you do your morning exercises?
You see that it is sometimes difficult  to follow healthy way of life. But don’t forget “Health is the Wealth”.
7. Письмо. Інтерактивна гра «Лікарський консиліум»

На екрані малюнки  хворих дітей. Учні грають роль лікарів, які встановлюють «діагноз», а також письмово  складають  рекомендації для лікування «пацієнта»

Необхідно вирішити, яку першу допомогу необхідно надати хворим на малюнках.

ІІІ. Заключна частина
1. Домашнє завдання:
Написати твір на тему “Health is the best Wealth”, використовуючи слова:
keep clean
eat healthy food
visit a doctor
do morning exercise
healthy lifestyle
2. Підсумок  уроку

Інтерактивний прийом « Займи позицію»
T. Let’s remind our  problem  question . Take your position.
( На дошці аркуші  з написаними словами « Health», « Wealth» . Діти підходять до того напису, який відповідає їхній думці)
ow any proverbs  about health? Now I’ll see. There  are some cards with the proverbs. Look through  them and match the proverb and  its corresponding 


Конспект уроку  у 7 класі по темі "British Food"

I.      Greetings
T: - Good morning, pupils!
P: - Good morning, teacher!
T: - Glad to see you!
P: - Glad to see you too!
T: I see you are in a good mood. Am I right?
P:  Yes, that’s true.
    We are in a good mood,
    And what about you?
T: I am in a good mood too. Pupils, today we have guests. Greet them.
P: - Good morning! Glad to see you! Welcome to our lesson!
T: - We hope our guests will enjoy our company We’ll have a wonderful time together. Let’s begin our lesson.
T: Do you know what our mood depends on?
Ps: It depends on the weather
            school marks                      seasons                     friends                     our meals
T: Of course, you are right. All of us like tastyfood. I’d like to add one more saying “A hungry man is an angry man”
II. Introduction.
 Look at the blackboard. There is a sentence here. But all the words in it are written together. Try to divide these words and read this sentence.
Tastes differ  This is the motto of our lesson.
III. Warming-up. 
      1. Well done. Let’s create a mind map
(Учні  підходять до плаката  і пишуть свої асоціації зі словом «Їжа»)
When I hear the word “food” I think of sweets, etc …
2. Activity “Name”. So, let’s start. Name me 3 …
-- things to eat (bread, soup, sandwich, pizza)
-- things to drink …
-- things made from milk…
-- fruit…
-- vegetables…
T: As for me, I like to eat tasty food. I like chocolate very much and also I like meat, fish, fruit and, of course, vegetables, especially cucumbers  and tomatoes. But I don’t like onion and garlic.
T: What are your favourite dishes?
            P: My favourite dishes are pizza and varenyky.
T:  What are your favourite drinks?
           P: My favourite drinks are cocoa and apple juice.
T: What kind of food do you eat?
          P: I eat fruit, vegetables and dairy products every day.
          P: I usually eat porridge, meat, soup or borsch.
T: Why must you eat vegetables and fruit?
         P: We must eat vegetables and fruit because they have got a lot of vitamins.
T: Are vitamins very important for you?
         P: Yes, vitamins are very important for our eyes, skin, bones, hair.
T: Do you always eat healthy food?
         P: I think I don’t always eat healthy food . I like pizza, cakes, sweets.
        P: As for me, I like hotdogs, hamburgers.
T: What food do you like to eat? What food don’t you like?
         P: I like to eat meat, vegetables and fruit but I don’t like dairy products.
T: How many meals a day have you got?
          P: I have got four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper.
T:  What do you usually have for breakfast?
           P: I usually have cheese or sausage sandwiches and a cup of tea for breakfast.
T: What do you usually have for lunch?
             P: I have lunch at school. For lunch I usually have potatoes with a cutlet,   porridge with meat and a cup of tea.
T: What do you usually have for dinner?
            P: I usually have soup or borsch, potatoes or pasta, a cup of tea for dinner.
T: What do you usually have for supper?
             P: I usually have porridge with milk for supper.
IV. Main part.
1.  T:  Well, pupils, I see you eat different food. Some of the food is healthy, the other is unhealthy. But you must remember, if you want to be healthy you should eat healthy food.
      The theme which we are going to learn today is very interesting and closely connected with the British culture and traditions. It is a part of  the British life. So, let’s do the crossword  and guess the theme of our lesson. 
1.     It’s long and green. It has a lot of water.
2.     It’s long and orange. Rabbits like it.
3.     It can be with apples, cherries. We eat it for dessert.
4.     It can be black or green. We drink it after or between meal.
5.     It is white. The children like to drink it.
6.     It looks like an umbrella and grows in the forest.
7.     It lives in the rivers, seas.
8.     One word for apples, pears, lemons.
9.     We usually cry cutting it.
10.                        We make ketchup out of it.
11.                        Food made with milk.











P: So, pupils, we have the word combination ‘British Food’
I think, it would be interesting for you to know what the British people usually eat. Let’s watch a film about British food.
2. Watching a film (slide 4)
Ø  Vocabulary work. First let’s translate some words which are unknown to you in the film.
Цвітна капуста
Закуска, перекус

Ø  While –watching. Now watch part 1 of the film and be ready to answer the questions. (  0.00 – 0. 49) While watching the film pay attention to the meals, food, time and place. You can make notes.
Ø  Evaluation. Post-watching.
Speaking.  Now answer  my questions, please
- About  what is this video? (It is about British food)
- What does milkman do? ( He brings milk to British house)
- When does he do it? ( He brings milk  in the morning before breakfast.)
 Writing. Match the word combinations with the pictures.
roast  beef,  bacon and eggs, fish and chips, Yorkshire I pudding ['pʊdɪŋ]
Ø Now watch part  2  of the film ( 0. 50 –2.44)
T: Now do the tasks on your papers (Fill in the table)
 Fill in the table
In the morning
Twelve to one
Main meal
In the evening
It is  about six or seven o’clock
Now, let’s check.
1.     What meals do they have?
2.     What food do they eat for breakfast (lunch, dinner)?
3.     What does Mr.Robinson prefer for breakfast?
Put the words below into the correct column:
milk and cereal,
a sandwich or a snack,
meat or fish and vegetables,
fruit juice,

pizza and pasta,
tea or coffee,

toast with jam or marmalade

milk and cereal, meat or fish and vegetables, fruit juice, tea or coffee, a sandwich or a snack, pizza and pasta, toast with jam or marmalade
T: I see, children, you are a bit tried. Let’s play.
If I name a vegetable, you sit down.
If I name a fruit, you stand up.
If I name a drink, raise your hands . OK, listen to me.
 (potato, banana, tea,        carrot, orange, coffee,      tomato,  apple, water)
Ø Now watch part  3  of the film (  2. 45 – 3. 14)
After the third part of the film:
T: Complete the  sentences.

s  British people don’t just at home. They also …..(go out)
s  Britain has a lot of foreign ….(restaurants)
s  London has restaurants from over  forty two …. (different countries)
s  Chinese , Indian, … and Thai restaurants are very … ( Italian, popular)
Ø Now watch part  3  of the film (  2. 45 – 3. 14)
After the fourth  part of  the film:
I variant writes what British teenagers like to eat, II variant writes what British teenagers  don’t like to eat.
V. Summing- up.
T: Let’ summarize everything.
-- What is the national British food?
--What can you tell about meal time  in Britain?
-- Do national Ukrainian meals differ from British meals?
-- Name , please, national Ukrainian food.

What English proverbs do you know?
1.     An apple a day keeps the doctor away.                                   
2.     Tastes differ.                                                  
3.     After dinner sit a while, after supper walk a mile.                
4.     Appetite comes with eating.                                
5.     Don’t live to eat but eat to live.                              
T: You have worked hard at today’s lesson. You were very active. I liked your work, your answers and your marks are…. The lesson is over. Thank you very much. Goodbye.

Урок у 6 класі "Preraring Food"
-to practice vocabulary on the topic ‘Food’;
- divide food into healthy and unhealthy,
- introduce typical Ukrainian meals,
-to develop pupils’ speaking, writing, listening and reading skills;
-to motivate pupils to study English;
-to encourage pupils to work in pairs and groups.
Equipment: cards for vocabulary work, posters, CD
    Ι. Introduction
a) Greeting and aim
T: How do you do, my dears? Are you in a good mood? Are you ready for the lesson? We have got an interesting lesson today. It will be a competition to see who is the most attentive and the most active. Do you want to take part in this competition? So, go ahead!
 Look at the blackboard. What can you see on it?
Ps’ possible answers: salt, meat, bacon, oil,…
T: Can you guess the topic of the lesson?
Ps: Food.
T: You are right. Could you write it on the blackboard?
And look at the screen and read the continuation of the topic – Preparing dishes
The motto of the lesson is: “Live not to eat, but eat to live.”  Cook with pleasure.
b) Warming-up
-  T: T Today we’ll speak about food. The topic is “Food. Preparing dishes”. It is very important because need to know what food is good for our health and how to prepare it.
learn new words;
guess the riddles;
listen to the dialogue;
read the stripes recipes;
express your opinion;
I have a basket.  You have to put some food into the basket but what food you have to guess.  Take the envelope and guess the riddles about food.

         It’s a vegetable. It’s round and yellow.        It makes you cry when you try.  (An onion)
         It's a long, orange vegetable. Rabbits like it.       (A carrot)

          It’s white. You like to drink it.        We get it from the cow.  ( milk)

          It’s not a vegetable, not a fruit.         It is cold and sweet. It is made of milk. (An ice-cream)

          It’s long  and green.          It’s a vegetable. (A cucumber).

         It is long and yellow fruit. It is sweet and tasty. It grows in the tree.
         Monkeys like to eat it. (A banana).

      It is a vegetable. It is red       (A tomato).

c)     Check on homework
T.  You wrote about your favorite Ukrainian dishes. Read the ingredients of your dish and we try to guess it. But firstly I wanted to revise them. Look at the screen.

II. Main part.
v 1. We have different kind of food.   Let’s write some words into English.
             honey                  eggplant
             egg                      apricot
             apple                   tomato
             lemon                  ice – cream
             tea                       nut
             ham                    grapes
T:  Underline the first letters abd read the word –combinations.   What does it mean in Ukrainian?

v 2.  We divide food into healthy and unhealthy . You have green and yellow leaves on your desks. Show me green leaf  if the food is healthy. Show me the yellow leaf if the  food is unhealthy.  Be attentively.
   (Учитель називає слова , учні показують зелений листок, якщо їжа здорова, жовтий – якщо ні )
Healthy: eggs, nuts, a carrot, apples, milk, fish, chesse, an onion, honey,
Unhealthy:  sweets, ice – cream, crips, chips, lemonade,  hot dog, hamburger, French fries.
 - What food do you like?
- What food don’t you like?

    Т: Thank you. Now we have the Tree of  Health and you must stick the leaf you like.
    (Учні виходять до дошки і прикріплюють листок того кольору , яку їжу вони частіше вживають. )
v   3. T.  I can say you’re lucky because most of you had breakfast. But I was nervous this morning and I couldn’t eat anything and now I’m hungry. Look into our fridge. It’s empty. Let’s go shopping and buy some food.
  Grammar work.
As you know all nouns are divided into two groups: countable and uncountable. Countable nouns are things that you can count and they have a singular and plural form. Uncountable nouns are things that you can’t count and they have only
a singular form.
There is so much food in our shop. Help me please to do shopping.
I have two bags and you must put things from shop shelves into correct bag.

Thanks for your help!
v  4Подання діалогу для аудіювання 
             - Listen to the dialogue and fill in the blanks on your cards.

John: What’s for dinner, Mum? I’m so hungry.
Mother: Fish soup.
John: I like fish soup.
Liz: I don’t like it.
John: She doesn’t like anything.
Mother: Meat and potatoes.
John: I like meat and potatoes.
Liz: I don’t like it.
John: She doesn’t like anything.
Liz: I’m thirsty.
Mother: Have a glass of orange juice then.
John: M-m-m, I’d love to.
Liz: I don’t like it.
John: She doesn’t like anything.

John: What’s for ______? Mum? I’m so _______.
Mother: _____  ______.
John: I like fish soup.
Liz: I don’t like it.
John: She doesn’t like anything.
Mother: _______ and _______.
John: I like meat and potatoes.
Liz: I don’t like it.
John: She doesn’t like anything.
Liz: I’m ________.
Mother: Have a glass of _______ juice then.
John: M-m-m, I’d love to.
Liz: I don’t like it.
John: She doesn’t like anything

v 5. Entertainment. Let’s sing a  song.

Now we are going to cook. I’m sure you like to cook. Are you a good cook? Let’s revise the words, which help us to cook. Look at the blackboard

To peel, to pour, to bake, to mix, to slice, to water, to chop, to boil, to fry, to cut, to stew, to roast, to grill, to simmer, to microwave

v 6. Match the vebs with their definitions
1)   mix
to cut  into  small pieces
2)   chop
to cook  something in an oven
3)   bake
to make  things  join   together

1)  fry
to cut something into thin pieces
2)  slice
to cook something in hot water
3)  boil
to cook in a pan over heart

v 7. What can we do with these products? додаток. Малюнки  різних продуктів)

v   8. Have a little relax and play  a game called ‘Pantomime’. You get cards and read them, present before the class with the help of pantomime. You  may produce some sounds, but not words. Pupils must guess what  does it means.
v  9. Формування навичок читання (групова робота)
1)      Pre-reading task
-          Do you like to cook? What do you usually cook?

2)      While-reading task

-  There are sheets with vegetables or fruit (one or two are extra). You choose necessary and put away extra.
-  These stripes are for you You have to put them into the right order to make up a recipe.
-  Work in groups. Then read your recipes.

Group 1. – Soup
( salt, potato, water, greens, lemon, onion, carrot, meat, sugar)

-          Boil meat
-          Peel and water vegetables
-          Slice potatoes and carrots
-          Chop onion and greens
-          Put the vegetables and boil some more time
-          Don’t forget to salt
-          When it is ready put greens
-          Enjoy your meals
Group 1. –Potatoes with meat.
( potatoes, carrot, pasta, onion, meat,  juice, water, salt,  peper)
1.      Wash potatoes, carrot and an onion.
2.      Pell the vegetables.
3.      Chop the onion and the carrot, and cut the potatoes into pieces.
4.      Fry the onion and the carrot.
5.      Cut the meat into pieces and fry it for some time.
6.      Put the meat and vegetables into the pot.
7.      Add some boiled water, salt and pepper and stew.

French fries( potato, salt, oil, jam)
-          Peel and water potatoes
-          Slice potatoes
-          Take a pan and put it on the cooker
-          Pour some oil and heat it
-          Fry potatoes till they crisp
-          Don’t forget to salt

Vegetable salad( tomato, cucumber, onion, salt, oil, watermelon)
-          peel and water the vegetables
-          slice tomatoes and cucumbers
-          chop onion
-          put the vegetables into a plate

-          add some oil
-          don’t forget to salt
-          enjoy your meal
Thank you. All your dishes are tasty and beautiful. People around  the  world use a variety of food, but it should be useful. There are many recipes of  healthy  food.
    III. Final Part
1. Home assignment
T: Write the recipe of  Ukranian borsch.
2.  Summing-up
T: I’d like to thank everyone for good work in the lesson. Your marks are… 


Відкритий урок з англійської  мови у 6 класі

  Магазини та покупки. В супермаркеті
Практична: Активізувати лексичні одиниці теми; розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення; розвивати навички   аудіювання; узагальнити і систематизувати матеріал з теми.           
Освітня:   Розширити ерудицію учнів, поглибити знання з теми «Покупки»; формувати комунікативну і соціокультурну компетенції.  
 Розвиваюча: Розвивати культуру спілкування  у ситуаціях, вміння працювати y групах; розвивати  мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію, інтелектуальні та пізнавальні   здібності.
 Виховна: Виховувати культуру спілкування y практичному використанні мови;  виховувати почуття поваги, ввічливості при спілкуванні.
Тип уроку: урок- презентація з елементами гри.
Обладнання: Підручник, роздатковий матеріал (завдання), аудіозаписи «If you are happy”, Hippety Hop to the corner shop”.
Хід  уроку
IПідготовка до іншомовного мовлення.
1. Організаційний момент.
T: Good morning, boys and girls!  T: I’m glad to see you!
Ps: We are glad to see you, too!
T: How are you today?
T: Well, sit down, please. 
2. Повідомлення теми уроку.   Let’s start our lesson with the song. Listen to the song and guess the theme   of our lesson.
( Supermarket Song by Peter Weatherall)
--What is the topic of our lesson?
The topic of our lesson is “Shopping. At the supermarket”. You’ll know and learn new words, read useful information about different kinds of shops, make dialogues and visit the supermarket. Is it useful for you to study this theme?
T: I hope we'll have a wonderful time together because we are going to do the shopping. Shops and shopping – it's our theme. Do you like to go shopping?           Ps ………..
T: I'd like to continue our lesson with such quotation:
For some shopping is an art,
For others it's a  sport,
Some like it. Some hate it.
Rarely is someone indifferent.
These words were written by one of the American shop-assistant Pamela Kafka.
How do you understand it? Will you translate it, please?
PsДля когось покупки – це мистецтво,
      Для когось – це спорт,
     Одним це подобається. Інші ненавидять.
     Рідко, щоб хтось відносився до цього байдуже.
3Фонетична вправа.    
Teacher: What things are associated  with the word shopping?
II.  Основна частина уроку
1.  T: Before going shopping let's repeat some words which we learnt the last lesson.
Активізація вивченої лексики на попередньому уроці. Vocabulary revision
Teacher: Look at the screen and name the shops ( slide 1)
2.   Where can we buy these things? Match the two halves.
Florist’s                            a) toothpaste, shampoo, medicines
Bookstore                         b) flowers
Newsagent’s                     c) poems, fairytales
Baker’s                             d) magazines, newspapers
Butcher’s                          e) bread, buns, rolls
Chemist’s                          f) meat, sausages, chicken
Keys: 1b, 2c, 3d, 4e, 5f, 6a
3. Speaking
Teacher: Look at my shopping list.   What am I going to buy at each shop?
      1               3             5              6          4           7           8             2
newspaper, T-shirt, vegetables, oranges, trainers, books, dictionary, postcard

You are going to buy a __ and a __ at the newsagent’s.

You are going to buy a __ and __ at the sport shop.

You are going to buy __ and __ at the greengrocer’s.
  You are going to buy __ and __ at the bookstore.
4.  Writing
T: Open your copy-books, write down the date and classwork..
                   Thursday, the  eighteenth of   March  
Teacher: This is my shopping bag. Fill in some, a|an.
(Pupils take out different things from the shopping bag and fill the sentences)
There are __ sweets in your shopping bag.
There is __ sugar in your shopping bag.
There is __ pineapple in your shopping bag.
There is __ cottage cheese in your shopping bag.
There is  __ onion in your shopping bag.
There is __ cabbage in your shopping bag.
Keys:  1. some; 2. some; 3. a; 4. some; 5.an; 6. A
 Фізкультхвилинка. Пісенька «Hippity Hop» . Діти слухають пісню і виконують рухи.

5. Reading. Читання.            (роздатковий матеріал)
T: Let's read some  dialogues from these sheets of paper and translate them into Ukrainian.
Then listen to the  questions and choose the correct answers.
Dialogue № 1              
Mr. Black: I’d like some apples, please.
Shop-assistant: What apples would you like: green, red or yellow?
Mr. Black: Green, please.
Shop-assistant: How many apples would you like?
Mr. Black: Can I have 5 apples?
Shop-assistant: Of course.                    
 Questions: 1) What did Mr. Black want to buy? (apples)
                    2) How many apples did Mr. Black want to buy? (five)
                    3) What apples did Mr. Black prefer?  (green)
Dialogue № 2               
           Customer: I want a loaf of bread, please.
           Shop-assistant: Here you are.
           Customer: Thank you.
           Shop-assistant: Do you want anything else?
           Customer: Yes. I’d like a bottle of milk, a packet of sugar, three kilos of
                               apples and two cans of Cola. How much is it?
           Shop-assistant: Five pounds fifty pence, please.
           Customer: Here’s six pounds.
           Shop-assistant: That’s 50 pence change. Thank you very much.     

Questions:  1) What did the customer asked first? (a loaf of bread)
                   2) How much was the change? (50 pence)
                   3) How many bottles of milk did the customer ask? (1 bottle)
6 Role Play.  Рольова гра.
TImagine you are at the English  grocer's shop and want to buy some  tasty products. _______ is a shop-assistant, ___________ is a customer.
-Hello! Can I help you?
-Yes, please.
- I want to buy a big box of sweets.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.

T _______ is a shop-assistant, ___________ is a customer.
- Hello!
- Hello!
- Can I have some juice, please?
- Certainly.
- I need a carton of orange juice, please. Or no, two cartons of  juice.
- Here you are.
- Thank you.
7.  Вікторина до теми « Магазини».
                                                        The Quiz.
1) A person,  whose job is to serve customers in the shop. (shop-assistant).
2) One of the things we do every day(shopping).
3) A shop, that sells books. (bookshop).
4) A person in a shop, that customers pay money to. (a cashier).                                                                                                              
5) A very large shop, that sells food, drink, goods used at home.       (supermarket).
8. Гра «Хто швидше».
T: Let's play game «Who is  faster?” I read the words, you must name a shop according to each group of words:
meat, bacon, sausage                                   (the butcher's)
carrot, onion, apple, pear, potato                 (the greengrocer's)
milk, sour-cream, yoghurt, butter               (the dairy)
fish, crab sticks, caviar  (ікра)                     (fishmonger's)
sweets, cakes,                                               (confectionery)

IIIЗаключна частина уроку
What do you have to remember going shopping?
To be carefully (because of traffic, of money, of things or food you ought to buy).

Draw your face  on  the cards on your desks and stick it on the blackboard       in our Customer’s Service Area. 
Thank you for your preparations for the lesson. Your marks are …
2. Домашнє завдання.                 
T: Open your day-books and write down your home task for the next lesson: Впр.____ ст._____
3. Підсумок уроку.
TSo, our lesson is coming to the end. What did you like at the lesson?
Match the two halves.
1)    Florist’s                            a) toothpaste, shampoo, medicines
2)    Bookstore                         b) flowers
3)    Newsagent’s                     c) poems, fairytales
4)    Baker’s                             d) magazines, newspapers
5)    Butcher’s                          e) bread, buns, rolls
     6) Chemist’s                          f) meat, sausages, chicken

Match the two halves.
1)    Florist’s                            a) toothpaste, shampoo, medicines
2)    Bookstore                         b) flowers
3)    Newsagent’s                     c) poems, fairytales
4)    Baker’s                             d) magazines, newspapers
5)    Butcher’s                          e) bread, buns, rolls
     6) Chemist’s                           f) meat, sausages, chicken
Dialogue № 1              
Mr. Black: I’d like some apples, please.
Shop-assistant: What apples would you like: green, red or yellow?
Mr. Black: Green, please.
Shop-assistant: How many apples would you like?
Mr. Black: Can I have 5 apples?
Shop-assistant: Of course.                    

Dialogue № 2               
     Customer: I want a loaf of bread, please.
Shop-assistant: Here you are.
Customer: Thank you.
Shop-assistant: Do you want anything else?
Customer: Yes. I’d like a bottle of milk, a packet of sugar, three kilos of
                   apples and two cans of Cola. How much is it?
Shop-assistant: Five pounds fifty pence, please.
Customer: Here’s six pounds.
Shop-assistant: That’s 50 pence change. Thank you very much.                
Look at my shopping list.   What am I going to buy at each shop?

       1               3             5              6          4           7           8             2
   newspaper, T-shirt, vegetables, oranges, trainers, books, dictionary, postcard

1. You are going to buy a __ and a __ at the newsagent’s.
2. You are going to buy a __ and __ at the sport shop.

3. You are going to buy __ and __ at the greengrocer’s.
4. You are going to buy __ and __ at the bookstore.

This is my shopping bag.    Fill in some, a|an.
1. There are _______ sweets in your shopping bag.
2. There is _______ sugar in your shopping bag.
3. There is _______ pineapple in your shopping bag.
4. There is _______ cottage cheese in your shopping bag.
5. There is  ________ onion in your shopping bag.

6. There is ________ cabbage in your shopping bag.

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My favourite book
    Практична: систематизувати й узагальнити знання учнів по темі «Книги в нашому житті», тренувати учнів у вживанні в мовленні тематичної лексики, вдосконалювати навички монологічного та діалогічного мовлення учнів, перевірити рівень вмінь і навичок у застосуванні вивченого на практиці;
    Освітня: поглибити знання учнів про книги та читання.
  Розвиваюча: розвивати навички аудіювання, розвивати пам'ять, логічне мислення в процесі виконання навчальних завдань,  розвивати усні комунікативні вміння;
  Виховна: виховувати любов до книг, розширювати світогляд учнів, викликати інтерес до читання, виховувати інтерес до читання творів зарубіжної літератури.
   Тип уроку: комбінований.
        Обладнання уроку:
1.     Підручник, 6 клас
2.     Роздатковий матеріал.
Хід уроку
I.              Організаційний  момент.
            Hello boys and girls! I am glad to see you. I hope you are fine and all are ready to work hard at our lesson. So let’s start our work.
II.          Підготовка до іншомовного мовлення.
1. Повідомлення теми уроку. Мотивація
The topic of our lesson is … The riddle will help you  to guess what are we going to speak about.
               It has no mouth. But speaks.
               It is not alive.
               But it can be a good friend.
               It is not a tree.  But it has leaves.
               What is it?  St: It’s a book.
 T: And the topic of our lesson is “Favourite books”. 
By the way, do you like to read books?
- How often do you read books?
- Is reading important?
- Who is your favourite writer?
- What do you like best reading or watching TV?
- Do you think it’s good to be bookworm?
2. Фонетическая зарядка.
It’s wonderful that some of you are fond of reading books. One wise man said:
            “ Life without books is a tree without leaves.”
Translate the words. How can you understand them?
St: I think life without books is boring.
T: I agree the life without books is poor, not interesting, unhappy, bad as a tree in autumn.
And here we’ve got the tree and it  also looks poor and unhappy without leaves help me to grow our “book –tree”.
The leaves are the different kinds of the books (учні називають жанри книг , а вчитель прикріплює листочки на дерево)
Ch: adventure books, historical books, horror stories, legends, myths, books about wildlife, books about space, stories about detectives, fairy – tales, books about spies, about animals, magic things etc
Т: Is it beautiful? Do you like it? Then, lets go on.
ІІІ. Основна частина уроку.
1. Розвиток навиків аудіювання і мовної догадки.
T: Books play an important role in our life because they are our teachers. Now listen the beginnings of different kinds of stories and try to guess what story it is.
1.            Many, many years ago there lived a princess. She was a beautiful girl with long nice golden hair. The queen and the king loved their daughter very much (fairy –tale).
2.             This planet is the most interesting planet. It is the smallest and the coldest of all planets. There are no stars near it (a story about space)
3.            It was a dark night. I was alone at home. My mum and dad were away. I sat and read a book. Suddenly the door opened and I saw a light. I was afraid of it. I wanted to get up from the chair but I couldn’t (horror story)
4.     There was a crowd near the house. Perhaps something happened, may be a crime. Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Watson tried to solve the mystery (detective story)
5.     The Bengal tiger is the national animal of India. It is red or orange with black, grey or brown stripes. It hides in tall grass and hunts big animals like deer. It is a really beautiful animal (about animals).
2. Vocabulary Practicing     
T : Match the words column: the left-hand column with their definitions in the right-hand         
1)       an encyclopedia              a) a book that is used to study a school subjec
2)       a biography                     b) a book giving information about every   branch of        knowledge with articles  in ABC order                    
3)       a novel                        
4)       a poem                            c) a story about a real person
     5)              a textbook                    f) a short piece of writing (usually rhymed) expressing a deep feeling or       thought
6)       a bookworm                i) a story about people who are not real
7)       fiction                         j) a person who is very fond of reading
Т.:   Now let’s speak about  your favourite  books.
What is your favourite books?
What kinds of books do you prefer to read? Why?
3. Гра – змагання
It’s time to work in groups. Every group will get three envelopes: cards with the names of the British and American writers; the titles of their books; the names of the characters from them.
the first envelope has blue cards with the names of  writers;
the second envelope has the titles of the books;
the third envelope has the names of characters.
Your task is to match the writers, titles and characters. I’ll give you 3 minutes
T:   You’ve done the task well. There are lots of books, lots of writers. Some of you like reading books, others don’t like.
Роздатковий матеріал
Конверт 1. (Mark Twain, Rudyard  Kipling, Charles Dickens, Hans Christian  Andersen, Charles  Perrault , Jules Vern, Samuil  Marshak, Daniel Defoe, Joanne Rowling)
Конверт 2. (“Robinson Crusoe”, “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”, “Twelve months”, “A Christian Carol”, “Captain  at  fifteen”, “Harry Potter”, “Snow  Queen”, “Little Red Riding Hood”, “ The Jungle Book” )
Конверт 3. (Herda and Kay, Tom Sawyer, Scrooge and  Marley,  Mowgli, Dick Send , Little Red Riding Hood, Mother and Queen, Lord Voldemort, Robinson Crusoe)
4. Гра “A detective .
T:   You’ve done the task well. There are lots of books, lots of writers. Some of you like   reading books, others don’t like. But all of us like to play. Let’s play  “A detective”.
 Let’s work in groups. Your task is to describe the book your group likes, but don’t tell the title of the book. Use the vocabulary list:
The book is written by…
The title of the book is…
The book describes…
The main character of the book is…
Other characters of the book are …
The book is exciting/boring/interesting/magic/horror…
The book has … (happy/boring/funny/silly) end
T: The best bookworms are in group number …
5. Writing
 Рut each of the following words in its correct place in the passage below:
bookworm        reviews       illustrations       borrow         published
I love books. I love to read. I am a real __________________(1), and I love to visit book shops, just looking briefly at one book after another. I look at the __________________(2), the photos or drawings. And I use the library a lot. I______________________________(3) two or three books a week. Friends often recommend books to me, and I also read ___________________________(4) in the newspapers. I don't always agree with them, but anyway they let me know what new books are being ____________________ (5).

6. Speaking.  Complete the conversation. Use the sentences in the box.
Who`s the author?
It`s called, Smart People Like Chocolate.
We have one copy. It`s on that shelf.
Yes, thank you. I`m looking for a book about chocolate.
1.     Salesperson: May I help you?
    Customer: ____________________________________________________________
2.     Salesperson: What`s the name of the book?
    Customer: ____________________________________________________________
3.     Salesperson: ___________________________________________________________   Customer: It`s by Coco Bean.
4.     Salesperson: Let me check the computer… ______________________________
   Customer: Thanks.
ІV. Заключна частина уроку
1. Summing-Up
Today we have got a lot of information about books and now we have to sum up. So, why do we need books? Express your ideas.
Name all the writers and their books, we`ve talked about during the lesson.
I hope you understand that without books our life will be empty and boring. Read good books and enjoy them.
10. Hometask
Your hometask is ex. 20, p. 90

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